[AT] Greenville OH Show
Indiana Robinson
robinson at svs.net
Tue Jul 11 14:30:43 PDT 2006
I'm running late as usual... Diana and I are moving into the house here on the farm
that I grew up in and where until rapidly advancing Alzheimers forced me to place my
mother in a home, she lived. We had wanted to go to the Greenville show anyway but
the stress of the move made a day off even more important. We drove over on Friday
night and found a major colony of Dotsons camped in their favored location. It was
easy to find, we just looked for the area where everything around had been charred
from the flames of the "Dotson inferno"... We pulled in nearby and started looking
around the show. We really like that show, its just "one of those shows". Not huge
but well handled.
We had a great Friday evening and all day Saturday visiting and looking and
shopping. We were sorry to find that the Willer's were not there this year. We were
pretty tired before we got there (really wiped out) and down and didn't get involved
in the phone call with H.L. but happy late anniversary H.L. and Billie... You know
what 50 years of marriage means don't you H.L.? It means that Billie must be
unbelievably patient and tolerant... ;-) ;-) ;-)
We are sorry that we left rather abruptly Saturday evening without getting to say
goodbye to everyone but leaving was a strain and decided upon suddenly. I was
dreading going home so much that only by grabbing my own arm and twisting it behind
my back was I able to say "OK, we are going home now"... I didn't dare delay once in
motion or I might still be there or headed off the other way. I REALLY didn't to return to
this mess. Our old house is about 2,500 square feet and has waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much
"stuff" in it... The other house is about 5,000 square feet and is stacked to the rafters with
good stuff, not so good stuff and a hell of a lot of just plain crap...
In trying to honor my mothers earlier wishes expressed in her will even though she is
still living (sort of) my sister in Pensacola is entitled to almost all of the contents of the house.
She came up (at my request) and picked out what she wanted and I can tell you that it could
probably all fit in an 8'x8'x8 box. Like me, my mother collected everything... After removing
at least 4 pickup loads of just plain trash Diana and I are still up to our necks in dishes, baskets,
several thousand books, all sorts of antiques and "STUFF"... You name it and it is here in one
house or the other. Much of it is personal stuff with memories attached.
By the time we get this mess sorted out we probably won't need either house because
we will have been locked away somewhere...
I try to take one day at a time but sometimes several days attack
me at once. <(^¿^)>
Refurbished Shopsmith's
Good used SPT's
Francis Robinson
Central Indiana, USA
robinson at svs.net
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