[AT] 3Ph, etc.

Thomas O. Mehrkam tomehrkam at houston.rr.com
Mon Jan 2 06:46:45 PST 2006

Hey Walt I am a EE and you are wrong.

Why do you not stick to something you know about.

OBTW I got my degree from University of Houston. Been working in the 
field for 35 years.

DAVIESW739 at aol.com wrote:
> from the Merriam Webster dictionary.
> Main  Entry: am·per·age 
> Pronunciation: 'am-p(&-)rij, -"pir-ij
> Function:  noun
> : the strength of a current of electricity expressed in amperes  
> If volts are pressure then why use a battery with more amperage to  start 
> your tractor. 
> 1 volts = 1.6X10to the 14 power of electrons to pass  a given point. 
> As long as its 12 volts it should work no matter what  HUH!!!
> Walt Davies
> Cooper Hollow Farm
> Monmouth, OR 97361
> 503  623-0460  
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