[AT] New Live-in Companion

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Fri Feb 17 08:29:30 PST 2006

I have a 1 year old Aussie/Corgi mix.  She is the queen and she knows 
it.  It is really quite a sight when she tries to herd the cats.
She's very active and when I first let her out of her kennel she runs to 
check out everything.  When I let her out in the morning I give her a 
dog biscuit and she will carry it around until we finish our morning walk.


Gene Dotson wrote:

>    Thanks guys for the comments. I have had dogs most of my
>life and have been without for about 6 or 7 years since I lost
>my last one. He was half Miniature Collie and half Australian.
>We were so close that when I lost him I swore I would never have
>another dog. Had onother one many years ago that was Half
>Australian and half Border Collie. This dog had am amazing
>herding instinct that he herded the cats at the barn and when I
>started raising hogs he would herd them. I came home from work
>and about 30 pigs had found their way out of the barn and he
>kept them herded around the barn till I got home. He was very
>fast and a fast thinker. He was a rock hound and was always
>carrying rocks into the yard and I always had to make a check
>for rocks before I could mow.
>    I was walking with bandy yesterday back my airstrip when he
>discovered a field mouse in the plowed ground. He watched that
>thing for 15 minutes and never made the first attempt to kill
>it. Just was amusement to him. When it finally started to rain
>he ran for the house.
>    Aussies are a very smart breed and will learn well.
>    Hope he doesn't herd too many tractors my way. The checkbook
>won't stand much of that.
>                    Gene

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