[AT] Question

David Myers walking_tractor at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 12 08:23:45 PST 2006

--- Richard Fink Sr <nancydick at pennswoods.net> wrote:

 If i were to run it with no1 out what are
> the chances i will do 
> more damage[ need to run it to get it on trailer to
> move to new home. 

>From what you tell us, I think the damage is done. 
Pull the plug, take it easy, and don't run it more
than you have to.  It shouldn't hurt things any more
than they already are.  Burned piston 'stuff'
generally won't get sucked up into the oil pump or
anything bad like that.  You can tear it down later
when you get settled.
You know, sometimes the expensive toys like
borescopes, etc. can be a real helpful diagnostic
tool.  Unfortunatly, for the once and a great while I
ever need one, I guess I can do without (uttering a
great big SIGH <g>).
Good luck and having just gone through it (moving,
that is) I wish you the very best.  Keep a stiff upper
lip and all that!
Dave Myers
Paw Paw, MI

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