[AT] pto powered woodprocessor

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Mon Dec 11 11:59:31 PST 2006

Mike Obrecht wrote:
> Larry, these machines load on a cradle, go into a convayor, and have a 
> hyd. chain saw and then drop into a splitter.  Some then elevate to the 
> truck.  Hud-son, Built-Rite, Timberwolf, Blockbuster, Palax, Chomper are 
> a few that I have researched.  Some are complicated, but think that a 
> lot of us are capable of building one with the "treasures" we all seem 
> to accumulate.  All have web sites and are interesting if you need to 
> cut a lot of firewood.  I do so I can heat my farm shop and work on my 
> old tractors and equipment in the winter.  The heated floor makes my 
> like working on tractors in the winter.
> This site is the most interesting and simple design, i think.  
> www.crdmetalworks.com.  It has a good vidio.  And is pto driven so I can 
> use my tractors instead of servicing another engine.

Most of the ones I have seen use hydraulics for the power to the 
different sections. A good PTO powered hydraulic pump and LOT's of steel 
and you could build one. The last one I worked on was a smaller design, 
it could handle up to a 20" log 12 feet long.
Basically the feed table was nothing more that 6 pieces of 3" square 
tube. Three of them had what looked like elevator chain on them so it 
pulled the logs into the saw cradle. That cradle had 2 chains on it to 
feed the log into the saw. The saw just had an adjustable stop that 
stopped the log and the saw itself was nothing but a 24" chainsaw bar 
and chain powered with a hydraulic motor through a jackshaft that also 
acted as the pivot for the bar. The cut block then fell into the 
splitter that had two different wedges, one was a 4 way the other was a 
6 way. Those actually set over a post behind a normal wedge that opened 
the block before it hit the secondary wedge. Then the split chunks fell 
off the end onto a conveyor to the pile. The conveyor had a wide feed 
chute so it could be swung around to different piles.

Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York

Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.

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