[Farmall] 100 breaking crankshafts

Roger Moffat rogerkiwi at aol.com
Sat Apr 29 04:49:44 PDT 2006

On Apr 29, 2006, at 7:22 AM, John Hall wrote:

> Dad got a call from a guy that has a Farmall 100 that likes to  
> break crankshafts. 3 of them thsu far. All running at low RPM when  
> it happened--tractor is never used for heavy pulling. All broke  
> beside #1 journal. The guy said the last one lasted 3 years. Our  
> thinking is either #1 rod is twisted somehow or where the front  
> main is, there is something causing the block to move---cracked  
> block, something funny with a timing gear putting unusual pressure  
> on that end of the crank. The tractor is too old too say the mains  
> weren't line bored correctly at the factory. The guy asked is he  
> possibly damaging the crankshaft when he drives the front pulley  
> on. Never heard of ithappening myself.

If he's driving the pulley on with some sort of impact - eg a hammer  
- then that's quite probable.

While I have no experience of Farmall engines, if a pulley needs  
force to put it on, it should be pressed on with a threaded rod and  
nut, or some other device which applies a slow steady pressure and  
doesn't involve any kind of impact.


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