[AT] Metal building - now non metal building :-)

Richard Walker richardwalker at pobox.com
Thu Apr 27 21:45:36 PDT 2006

>Karl assembled the large corrugations in a short time, with assists 
>from Richard Walker and Don Bowen (both on this list), and maybe others.

Not exactly short, Herb - assembly took over two months, not counting 
the pouring of the slab.

Unfortunately Karl's concrete contractor messed up on the dimensions 
and poured the slab a tad oversize, which screwed up the designed 
intended drainage of the footer plates and panels for overlapping the 
slab.  Karl slathered caulk around things to fix this.

I was up in Ridegecrest helping Karl three weekends myself, with the 
aid of some conscripted help from various friends.  We would 
preassemble each three-piece arch and then use Karl''s forklift, 
outfitted with a homemade platform, to lift each arch into 
place.  Then we would use the platform as a mobile scaffold for 
bolting the sections together.  One person would be above on the 
platform with the impact wrench, and one below on a ladder with an 
end wrench.  About 10% of the bolt holes would not line up with a 
drift and we had to drill them out to stick the bolts in.  On a good 
day, we could get 4 or 5 sections assembled and installed. And 
contrary to what some of you who may know us are no doubt wondering, 
we worked hard straight through and the beer drinking did NOT start 
until after quitting!

Everyone involved agreed that if we had NOT had the luxury of a 
forklift, it would have taken at least four or five workers to 
manually lift, jockey into position and bolt the sectional arches together.

3 photos of Karl's shed under construction:




- Richard

Richard & Judy Walker
Monrovia, CA

richardwalker @ pobox.com
judywalker @ pobox.com
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