[AT] OT for those interested in aviation

Ronald L. Cook rlcook at pionet.net
Mon Apr 10 07:22:31 PDT 2006

         I think those road maps are just a little off to mess me up in 
places like Minneapolis and Tulsa, etc.
         I have not logged into that internet site, and probably won't.  It 
is really of no interest to someone like me that is involved in aviation at 
a lower level.  But, those are IFR flights only, so there are quite a few 
more airplanes than that up there.  Probably double.  There would be quite 
a lag between actual and seeing a dot on your computer screen, especially 
something going in excess of 200 mph.  That info you see is being 
transmitted several times through several agencies.  There are much better 
tracking services available for pay.  Has been for years.  Osama probably 
has better stuff anyway, compliments of the US.  Remember we were 
supporting him not so many years ago.  Seems they needed help to run the 
Ruskies out of Afganistan.
         It is good to worry.  Just don't lose a bunch of sleep.  Oh, and 
be sure to fly between the dots.

Ron Cook
Salix, IA
>         Just thinking allowed a little bit. I've been
>told that civilian road maps are made just a little
>bit off from accurate in order to throw any attackers
>off course from susesptible targets. I'm not sure how
>true this is at least now days.
>         Having said that, I have to wonder if or
>rather how accurate this site shows a flight. I
>haven't tried tracking a plane yet but with a real
>quick look into the site, only one question comes to
>mind....Isn't this information that 'Osamah' doesn't
>need to know???  I would think so.
>         Maybe you guys can set my feeble mind at ease
>by telling me there's nothing on this site our "foes"
>can use to....well you know!
>Danny Tabor

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