[Farmall] Oil pressure problem / which is a keeper?

John Wilkens jwilkens at eoni.com
Sun Sep 4 20:41:08 PDT 2005

Hey stan, thanks for sharing the oil pressure information.  I've got a 
similar problem with a Ford 8N.    John W.

At 10:05 PM 09/04/2005, you wrote:
>I recently typed up a response to a similar question elsewhere so with a
>little edit, I'll offer it here as well...
>Oil can go alot of places, but I would recommend you check the plate on
>the bottom of the oil pump. It's common for them to warp and the gasket
>blows out between bolts (there goes your pressure).
>Drop the oil pan, remove the oil pump, mill the plate flat, replace the
>gasket and check for obvious slack in the rods while you are there just
>by rocking them with your hand. You shouldn't notice any slack. Put the
>pan back on and check your oil pressure.
>If you notice any slack in the rods (or crank), worn bearing inserts may
>need to be replaced. If the motor has been apart, another possibility is
>sloppy re-assembly. I've had 3 tractors in now that had the symptoms you
>described that turned out to be a combination of the oil pump plate and
>swapped bearing caps. The rods and mains are machined as sets and can't
>be swapped around.
>One (a C) had number 1 and 4 rod caps swapped (rod number is stamped on
>the cam side of the rod and cap, make sure they match). It was in
>process of spinning a bearing and was a real mess. Two others (M/SM)
>actually had 2 of the main caps swapped. They aren't marked, so a little
>harder to find and straighten out, but both had play in the crankshaft
>(notice by pulling on the fan belt, or gently prying up on the flywheel)
>and one had a major rear main oil leak. On both of these tractors,
>correcting the main cap locations, replacing main bearings, and
>flattening the oil pump plate regained the oil pressure.
>Further inspection is also necessary though if you find this condition.
>Depending on how long it has been run in this state the rods will start
>to degrade from the extra stress on them (both large and small ends). So
>certainly plan on getting the rod bushings replaced if you do a rebuild
>(this is a good idea with crank problems or not).
>Hoping you find just the warped plate ;)

                    In the wide-open spaces of NE Oregon

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