[AT] A biting problem...

Indiana Robinson robinson at svs.net
Wed Sep 28 20:51:22 PDT 2005

	I was out bush-hogging some lanes today with my Super M 
Farmall and spotted an old blue van going very slowly past 
the farm. It was not the kind of shiny late model vehicle I 
am used to seeing "lot shopping" several times a month so I 
watched it a little. It kept going so I forgot about it. A 
little later as I was putting the tractor back in the shed 
down the road I spotted it again moving very slowly down 
the road. I walked back toward the house and when I got 
near it the passenger got out and was walking back and 
forth on the road like he was looking for something. As I 
got to the van I asked the driver if they had lost a piece. 
The driver said "he sure did"... About then the passenger 
walked up and said "I wost my teef" and flashed a big gummy 
smile. He said that he had been riding his bike and hit a 
rough spot of pavement at the intersection by my barn lot 
drive entry. He said that he had his teeth (don't ask me 
why) in a basket on the back and when he got where he was 
going (18 miles east) he found that they were gone. He had 
found his "lowers" at the side of the road down almost in 
front of my house but could not find the "uppers". He gave 
me his address and name and I promised to keep an eye out 
for them. Where he lives is not a location where well off 
people live and the loss may be quite costly for him. I 
looked a bit but he had already searched that area well. 
There are a lot of places where a set of uppers can hide in 
18 miles of road...

Hewick Midwest

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