[AT] Re: AT Digest, Vol 21, Issue 20
Danny Tabor
dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 20 13:18:25 PST 2005
I'll say one thing, he's got to have majorly
large hangie downie's to ask.
If I can make a suggestion Troy. Do what I did
and get a loan. MidAtlantic Farm Credit, I had gotten
my loan from, fairly decent rates. If you have a farm
or can show a purpose for the barn for your business,
you can probably take a large portion off of your
taxes. And if you want to try and re cooperate your
expenses, maybe take a video of the barn raising too
offer for sale. At least that way people will be
getting something for their money.
"In the game of shopping, the goal is to get
not the most, but the best your money can buy."
This line really turned me off. I give enough
money to the government so they can buy the best my
money can buy.....for somebody else. NO BENEFIT TO ME.
Call me selfish, I am
Danny Tabor
--- DAVIESW739 at aol.com wrote:
> I agree we shouldn't ask for solicitations, but then
> I could use some to
> build my new shop and open front shed and I don't
> need anywhere near the
> $35,000. Any takers just give me a call. giggle.
> âºâºâº
> Walt Davies
> Cooper Hollow Farm
> Monmouth, OR 97361
> 503 623-0460
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