[AT] Cecil Monson
Mattias Kessén
Mattias.kessen at telia.com
Sun Nov 6 11:12:09 PST 2005
My sincere condolances. I never met Cecil but exchanged a lot of E-mails with him both on and off list about almost anything. I will remember him as one of the good ones.
----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
Från: "Cecil Monson" <cmonson at hvc.rr.com>
Till: "Wayne Smith" <smthfrms at patmedia.net>; "Steve Offiler" <soffiler at myeastern.com>; "Mike Sloane" <mikesloane at verizon.net>; "Maynard Hiller" <MHiller709 at aol.com>; "Jim Thomson" <L50bmg at earthlink.net>; "George Willer" <gwill at toast.net>; "Gene Dotson" <gdotsly at loganrec.com>; "charlie hill" <chill8 at cox.net>; "Bob Brooks" <rbrooks at optimummetro.com>; "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Skickat: den 5 november 2005 14:42
Ämne: [AT] Cecil Monson
> I'm sorry to tell you that Cecil passed
> away last evening. I thank you for all of the
> get well wishes that were sent to him.
> I know I don't have everyone on the
> list that he wrote to. Please let the
> other antique tractor people know of
> his passing.
> Lucille Hand
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