[Steam-engine] Make your own Iron Castings!!

Terry Welch ksw001 at pensys.com
Tue May 31 16:38:48 PDT 2005

That was not the case here. The new Teacher they hired was not very educated on casting, even
though he said he was. I do not think the school district would have problem if they have a good
teacher. I believe the teacher that is in there now is not very good on any form of shop class.
When he came, he could not run a mig welder. That is mostlikly why they do not do casting any
more. The current teacher is junking a lot of machines in the shop class and the school board is
not replacing the machines. The retired teacher offered to come back and teach the casting class
but the current teacher said no.

JEFF LUND wrote:

> I have taught some casting in a metals class.   It has
> been an enjoyable, and very educational section for
> the students.   Some shop teachers can not legally
> teach it due to license, and some districts see it as
> too dangerous sor students to do.
> Jeff Lund
> Lund Machine Works

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