[AJD] Tire news, warning, apologies for personal rant

Steve Treimer steelerhawk at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 13:23:11 PST 2005

It means that Morry Taylor, CEO and President and first class ass, will
ship the jobs to Mexico as part of the free trade agreement.  My dad
worked for French & Hecht for 20 years, then Titan bought them out. 
All started well, with French & Hecht's rims/wheels and Titan's tires. 
They had the corner on the ag market.  But in nine years, Taylor turned
a good, profitable company into a Mexican sweatshop that puts out
bargain tires.  Stock prices went from $33 to $1.30.  Yes, I'm bitter
that Taylor tried to break the Union in Des Moines and lost.  But how
do you think those employees felt being on the strike line for 2 years
while scabs came and went?  He closed the Walcott rim plant my dad
worked in even though it was far more profitable and had much more
stringent quality control than the Quincy, ILL plant.  They took all
the equipment and left the people.  Brilliant Morry, brilliant.  Buy
your tires now.

--- Dean VP <deanvp at att.net> wrote:

> This note was on the General ATIS list today:
> On my corporate email, there was a announcement that Titan
> International
> Tire company has agreed to buy the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co's
> North
> American farm tire business for about $100 million. This includes
> their farm
> tire manufacturing plant in Freeport Ill. They will maintain both the
> Titan
> and Goodyear brands with the Goodyear being the premium brand. I have
> no
> idea what this might mean to antique tractor collectors.
> Larry Dotson
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