[Farmall] Looking for 340 parts

br549 at hemc.net br549 at hemc.net
Wed Mar 30 06:52:55 PST 2005

I just got my 340 home Saturday night (with zero problems even using 
an old truck and "following the sun" to get home). It looks pretty good 
(recent repaint) but on closer inspection, needs some TLC. 

The parking brake latch was frozen (now working) but the brakes 
hardly work themselves. Is a brake job difficult or costly? I also 
noticed that the left footrest was bent and looking closely I found the 
rear bracket was bent, the clutch pedal was rewelded and bent and 
the front bracket was bent and broken. I sourced a clutch pedal, think 
I can straighten the rear bracket but need the front bracket and return 
spring. Are there any other models (240? 330? 460?) that have the 
same footrest arrangement and might have the parts I need (if 
someone out there can't put me in touch with the parts)? 

Thanks for all the great info and help thus far...

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