OT: Shooting was Re: [AT] Some ads from the 6/25 Lancaster Farming

ken knierim wild1 at cpe-66-1-196-61.az.sprintbbd.net
Tue Jun 28 16:32:00 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 11:21, Mattias Kessén wrote:
> > but the MAC and Uzi are not what I'd call accurate.
> As i recall neither is the AK-47. What I always have thought would be fun is a fully automatick Glock 17, never had the oppurtinty to try it, might have something to do with the fact that they are forbidden to import to Sweden :-( I also thought the sound from the M16 is kind of funny (at least for the shooter)
> /Mattias

I'd have to say that the AK was more accurate than the UZI and both
seemed to be more accurate than the MAC, at least in my rather novice
hands. I have to say that I seem to be more accurate with my .357 than I
was with any of the full-auto toys.

And I heard a rumor that Amish drive-by's went "clip-clop clip-clop
bang! clip-clop clip-clop" not "clip-clop clip-clop braaaaap! clip-clop


Ken in AZ

where there have been shooting restrictions for quite a while because
the desert is such a fire risk

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