[AT] Greenville Shows, bad times...
Indiana Robinson
robinson at svs.net
Wed Jul 13 06:02:08 PDT 2005
On 10 Jul 2005 at 20:06, two4ac at earthlink.net wrote:
> I went to both of the Greenville shows yesterday. The farm power of the
> past blew Steam threshers away. In the past Steam threshers saving grace
> was the flea market area, but this year Farm power stepped it up a notch and
> it put them over the top. I got to say hi to the Willers and to Gene
> Dotson. I saw Larry and Barbs camper, but didn't find them in the show.
> Jodie went back later and reported that she spotted a Dotson inferno.I was
> glad I got to see these shows as it is quite a chore to get my scooter
> loaded, it takes two healthy people. I am still planning to get to Portland
> for at least one day, but other than that nothing until after Sept. 9
> David D. Gibson
We "REALLY" wanted to make the Greenville Ohio show again this year to see our Ohio
friends but it was not meant to be. For a couple of years now getting away from the farm
for more than a couple of hours has been a major project due to my mother (83) who lived
here on the farm yet. A couple of my daughters that live locally have stayed with her at
times so we could go to a couple of earlier events. A niece from FL that is a flight
attendant flew in and stayed with her during the Portland swap-meet this year and our
daughter in south TN drove up a week early before our family reunion, held here on the
farm, to stay with her so we could attend Cubfest at Bigdog's.
Mom became pretty bad in June and was quite a problem around the time of the family
reunion of the 25th. My sister was here from FL for the reunion and stayed with mom that
week. My sister then went to a reunion of her deceased (first) husband's family in KY
over the week of the Fourth of July. Things really came apart the week of the fourth here
and I had to call her and have her come back here after that reunion so that we could
move mom to a local assisted living facility. I really should have done it sooner but mom
was adamant that she would not go. I had to be the tough guy and lay it on the line to
her (hard thing to do) after she had shouted her refusal to the doctor and my sister.
She has been there three days now and seems to be adapting fairly well. She knows
several residents, one very well. She was also able to take her dog that has been her
closest friend for several years now.
My sister and I had already taken over her financial affairs since trying to pay bills
had become just more than she could cope with. Altzeimers is always sad but it seems even
more so when the person was a highly intelligent person with advanced degrees received
with honors for grade levels.
Mom was becoming constantly more confused and had reached the point of having periods of
not knowing where she is and in danger of just wandering off. We already care for Diana's
mom (89) who is legally blind, very hard of hearing and gets about only with a walker,
since she had to give up her apartment due to the cost about 2 years ago. We could simply
not move a second person into the house and cope with it but mom just could not live in
her house any more. She had reached the point of consuming almost all of my time and I
was virtually unable to work and function about the farm. I finally had began turning
away all shop work and custom work and I am so far behind now I don't know if I will ever
get caught up. Taking a deep breath, putting on a brave face and moving on finally just
quit working... Compounding matters, even though she is my mother, she has been for the
last dozen years one of those always negative, constantly complaining people that could
suck the very life out of a roomful of people (and often did). Those who came and stayed
with her for us never wanted to do it a second time.
This week I feel saddened but also like a huge weight has been lifted...
I plan to be at Greenville next year and a lot of other places between now and then.
We are having a family reunion here this weekend for Diana's family. Getting family back
together has become very important to me and both families were drifting apart. As an on-
topic note, I sit several tractors out to look at during the reunion and sort of have my
own tiny old tractor show. They generally get a good looking over. Several members of
Diana's family visit the Portland show. One brother-in-law shows a couple of those green
and yaller things at his local show (Rushville, IN).
Waiting for Portland...
"farmer", Esquire
At Hewick Midwest
Wealth beyond belief, just no money...
Paternal Robinson's here by way of Norway (Clan Gunn), Scottish Highlands,
Cleasby Yorkshire England, Virginia, Kentucky then Indiana. In America 100
before the revolution.
Francis Robinson
Central Indiana USA
robinson at svs.net
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