[AT] Some ads from the 7/16 Lancaster Farming

Brett Phillips bphillip at shentel.net
Mon Jul 18 10:47:18 PDT 2005

Utility tractor, IH 300 gas, T-A fast-hitch and 3 pt, loader, weights,
steers hard, call mornings, Northampton Co. $1600. 570-758-5810.

!Ramble alert!

My dad had a 300U from when I was 5 until I was about 10.  As I recall,
there wasn't anything about that tractor that wasn't "hard" for a 7-8 year
old tractor driver.  At that time, I was dad's 'hired man', and I did most
of the raking, and would get bored when he asked me to drive when we baled.
He still says that I was better than my mother, since she would always try
to turn left with the baler and wagon in tow.  If the baler started to act
up, or the windrows were too big, my left leg would get tired pretty quickly
from the stiff clutch.  I remember standing with my full weight on that
infernal clutch pedal, and having to pull up on the steering wheel in order
to get it fully depressed.  Dad knew this, and he never let me run the 300
in tight quarters, because he knew I couldn't steer and press the clutch
down at the same time.  For this reason, our JD H was my favorite, and the
tractor that I raked with.  When the 300 left, I remember shedding a tear,
but now I wonder why...  I have little desire to own one today.  There are
plenty of others that I would like better.

Brett Phillips
Strasburg, VA

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