[Steam-engine] coal, etc

Ken Hough k4sb at niia.net
Sun Jan 9 19:46:02 PST 2005

You want coal from the Pocahontas seam. You should be able to google 
that and find a supplier. Low ash and hot. you also want to ask if 
its washed in water or oil. Both remove debris. They can also supply 
screened coal for the correct size.
Try: http://www.rootsweb.com/~wvcoal/edkins.html

I was wondering if anyone had a good source they would recommend for
coal.  The problem we find is that poor coal clinkers up our firebox
quickly and chokes out the fire. With a half scale firebox it is
easier to do this.  We were wanting to find a better grade of coal
this year and pick up a load as the supply of good coal that grandpa
had stockpiled before he passed on is nearly depleted.  Any tips 
be appreciated, we are close to Nashville TN.  


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