[AJD] O.T. Country Schools

Terry L. Hrdlicka th01209 at alltel.net
Sat Jan 22 22:20:24 PST 2005

Greetings All,

Once again, a small group of Nebraska State Senators backed by a bunch 
of school administrators, is proposing to close all the K-8 country 
schools, and consolidate them with big K-12 schools.  They keep beating 
the "better opportunities" and "lower cost" argument to death. Neither 
argument holds water.  If they close the "one room" school that my 9 
year old goes to, my school taxes will go up between 15 and 20 percent. 
  I went to the court house and checked!  All of us that have kids in 
the school know what's going on there, if there's a problem, we fix it, 
we don't have to hire a "consultant" and 3 paper pushers, and waste a 
bunch of time and money. Last years figures show that the cost per 
student at the kids school was about 2/3 of what it cost at the bigger 
school in town, and their test scores are higher out here.

The only reason they keep trying to close down these rural schools is so 
they can widen the tax base and suck more money out of the rural 
residents to support their bloated systems and wasteful projects. The 
biggest cost of education is paying a bunch of people who have nothing 
to do with teaching the kids.

I ask anyone on the list in Nebraska to write to their state senator and 
urge them to vote against LB126, School District Reorganization.

Sorry for the long, off track post, but I'm on a crusade!



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