[AT] Tractor Weight (now Ramble - LONG)

Cecil E Monson cmonson at hvc.rr.com
Sat Jan 15 07:29:19 PST 2005

> Lunch is two roast beef sandwiches, potato chips, a piece of cake, and 

about a quart of Kool Aid along about 3:30 PM.  Just a little something to

help make it between dinner and supper.  Those city characters are just


	Back before we had commercial power where we lived in southern
Minnesota, we made Kool Aid and kept it in a gallon or half gallon jar
in the same tank where we kept the heavy cream in the pump house. Water
being pumped by the windmill for the cattle ran thru this tank on it's
way to the stock tank so the cream and our Kool Aid stayed cool all the

	I read in the news this week that the makers of Kool Aid have
now agreed not to advertise to kids any more. Who in the world do they
think drinks Kool Aid anyhow - the livestock??


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