[AT] Tractor Weight (now Ramble - LONG)

Ronald L. Cook rlcook at pionet.net
Fri Jan 14 08:44:06 PST 2005

Lunch is two roast beef sandwiches, potato chips, a piece of cake, and 
about a quart of Kool Aid along about 3:30 PM.  Just a little something 
to help make it between dinner and supper.  Those city characters are 
just sissys.<g>

Cecil E Monson wrote:

>>  Cecil
>> is 100% right about those dinners (lunch). I ate till I thought I would
>> bust, then came dessert. Got my first taste of rhubarb pie, MMMMM. 
>     Out there in Minnesota when I was a kid, dinner was the noon
> meal, Phil. Only city folks used the term "lunch" at that time. grins
> "Lunch" to us was what you ate between meals. Supper was the evening
> meal. I have often wondered why there is such an effort to get us to
> say dinner for the evening meal and lunch for the noon meal. I have an
> idea that city people think it sounds more refined but have never been
> able to prove it.
> Cecil

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