Fw: [Ford-ferguson] Dearborn plow 10-156

rdlotze at juno.com rdlotze at juno.com
Sat Jan 8 16:53:50 PST 2005

I didn't see anyone answer you so here goes:
First I didn't find 10-156 in my plow book so I can't be specific.
In general find a nice level spot with the plow on tractor  - cement pad
would be nice - place an 8" block under both of the left wheels -
assuming you plan on plowing 8" deep - lower the plow to ground and
center plow left and right so both stop chains on the lift links are
equal - level plow with leveling box on tractor so plow sets level left
to right - measure from inside of right tire to a line along the right
plow land side surface - this should be the same as the size of the plow
(12" - 14" - 16") also distance from beam to beam - make adjustment to
plow to get this - The wheels should be near or at narrowest setting -
sight plow beams along length of tractor - they should be parallel - if
not adjust plow to get it parallel - this may require readjust land side
to tire - top link adjustment should hold plow so that only the tips of
the points touch the ground and the rear ends of the land sides should be
off the ground 1" to 2" - adjust top link to get this.
This will get you started and final adjustment can be made after trying
in the field - Note using or not using coulters will make a difference in
settings - coulter should cut at least 4" down and 1" to left of each

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Bruce

I've had this plow for several years, I got it with a Massey 35 in a 
combo deal (along with a Massey bushhog type mower, a roll over type box 
scrape and a yard tool.  Previously I haven't done much with the plow 
but I am trying to round it into shape and maybe plow my garden.  Last 
time I tried to use it, it would not run true so I thinking I should 
adjust it on the beam that connects to the lift arms.  Can anyone give 
me some advice or point me in a proper direction to find some.  BTW the 
shins, shares and moldboards seem to be in good shape - just need a bit 
of scouring.  I've also got the coulters but normally around here 
coulters aren't used (NW NC).  Thanks in advance.


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