[AJD] Gaskets

Bill Brueck b2 at chooka.net
Tue Jan 4 21:11:13 PST 2005

I make almost all my own gaskets, maybe from lack of planning as much as 
anything: when I'm ready to assemble something I don't want to wait for a 
trip or an order to finish the project.  You can cut a gasket for that 
crankcase cover in a matter of a very few minutes, it doesn't take much 

I would appreciate some chatter on the list, what would be an appropriate 
inventory of gasket material to have?  I inventory:
    1/32 inch "tough paper"
    1/16 in same
    1/16 cork
    1/8 cork
    some kind of asbestos stuff for manifolds and such, probably 1/16 or so 

    and I bought several thicknesses of felt from McMaster a while back, 
have had good success sealing rear axle, crankshaft on flywheel side, and 
fan shaft on my H.

The last head gasket I made was for my JD L and it didn't hold up, blew out 
in that real thin spot between the cylinders, so I then bought one from JD. 
Any hints on making head gaskets?

I treat gaskets with grease only; lubes 'em up so they will slide around and 
fit.  Once in a while I get into a nasty application with not very straight 
surfaces, like the stamped rear end cover on my H.  I treat that gasket with 
any of a variety of sticky sealers.  I don't like to use this unless 
necessary, makes disassembly and subsequent cleanup hard.  Of course, if I'd 
get it right the first time I wouldn't have to worry about disassembly, at 
my age...

Bill Brueck (brick)
Chatfield, MN, USA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert M. Massengale" <ltcmikem at ktc.com>
To: "Antique John Deere mailinglist" 
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: [AJD] Gaskets

> I've run into a gasket problem that I suspect is not uncommon and am 
> looking for
> List suggestions.  When I removed the crankcase cover (B1841R) on my '41 B 
> (sn
> 109494) the gasket (B1842R) between this cover and the main case 
> disintegrated.
> At both my dealership and on jdparts.com the gasket part number B1842R 
> (PC-330,
> pg 64) comes back as "invalid part number".
> Is there a gasket source other than my dealership?  Do you just make your 
> own
> gaskets?  What about the "form a gasket" type material that comes in a 
> tube?
> Permatex?
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Mike
> Robert M. Massengale
> Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
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