[Farmall] Winter Convention Preparations

Mark Peters mspeters at tds.net
Thu Feb 17 17:23:08 PST 2005

Just finished with loading my first load of tractors and implements bound for Middleton,WI and the IHCC Winter Convention.I fit my Farmall 240 and 4 fast hitch implements on this trailer load. A semi trailer is coming on Sat. for another 6 FH implements at my place and  7 more over at Rick Wisnefske`s. That`s a grand total of 17 Fast Hitch implements, along with a Farmall 340,240,Super C and 284. 3 loads at least! That`s just our small contribution. Mike Schmudlach is bringing his French Cub and Super Cub and a bunch of other neat stuff ,including a Scout 80 Red Carpet Special.This is going to be one helluva event for sure.Well, now it`s back to more polishing.......   Later, Sneaky

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