[AJD] GP that just sold on eBay

Paul O mrgp at fwi.com
Fri Dec 30 08:41:05 PST 2005

Every little while I ask Mike why he hasn't updated the web page. Help me 
pressure him to change his priority and get it done.

Would someone tell me what the final price was, and did it sell.
The tractor had significant value in the wheels. The bean axle is an unknown 
quantity today. The only one I saw sell a couple years ago (Harlan Wilson 
Sale) brought about $2900. I doubt if that will happen again.
>From what I could see in the pictures, it was not a bean tractor. When the 
bean axle was developed in early 1931, the policy for replacement axles was 
to supply the bean axle. The reason was that the bean axle would work on any 
tractor while the regular axle could not replace a bean axle. That is why 
there are some number of tractors with the bean axle which did not leave the 
factory that way. As far as I know, there were no small bore bean tractors, 
but I have  seen some small bores with bean axles.
My opinion of that tractor was that if one paid the reserve or more, bought 
all the parts to make it complete, and restored it, the investment would be 
above  the value of  the restored tractor.
Paul O

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duane Larson" <jdlarson at comcast.net>
To: "Antique John Deere mailing list" 
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [AJD] GP that just sold on eBay

You need to come to the next GP rally at Paul Ostranders in September 2006.
Check www.johndeeregp.com - send them an email asking about the rally, not
sure why Michael hasn't updated the web page... .  I have a '31 GP standard,
'30 GP standard, and '31 GPWT and love them all!  If you get near Moline,
you should contact Corwin (Cork) Groth as he restores GPs for a business.
He had the unusual GP at the last GOG that turned out to be able to pull a 5
bottom plow.
Duane Larson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Brueck" <b2 at chooka.net>
To: "'Antique John Deere mailing list'"
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 10:31 PM
Subject: [AJD] GP that just sold on eBay

> See item 7574134823.
> I'm just getting into the GP subculture, having bought my first GP, a 1931
> (very straight, complete except it has a Wico mag, and the lugs had been
> removed and the engine is stuck) this fall at a local auction, only about 
> 20
> miles from my home.
> This is more than I paid for mine, and I was wondering if there was
> something really special about this one on eBay.  I don't know what the 
> bean
> axle is.  Maybe the lugs are good property.  I know the mags go pretty 
> high
> on eBay and I don't know if there is one for this tractor or not, but I 
> kind
> of doubt it.
> I'm eager to get to know a little more about the GP.  Seeing this one sell
> makes me real satisfied with my recent purchase, but I thought maybe I was
> missing something.
> You can see my GP at
> http://www.karstlandventures.com/eventsPhotos/Tractors/20051008%20Lanesboro%
> 20GP/index.cfm.
> Thanks, all!
> Confusion is a higher state of knowledge than ignorance.
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