[AJD] A2275R Front Wheel Spacers

Ronald L. Cook rlcook at pionet.net
Fri Dec 23 17:58:50 PST 2005

	I remember a roller for the tire to contact if you turned too tight 
with the picker down.  No. 227.  Not much steering allowed unless you 
raised the picker some.  I seem to remember the darned mud coming off 
the tires getting into the gathering chains.  Also mud getting packed in 
between the rear tires and picker.  Occasionally getting stuck, but 
usually getting the picker out by leaving the wagon.  Oh, yeah.  I 
remember all that corn harvesting stuff in the 50's and early 60's.  I 
was the picker operator for several years.  My Dad bought his Model 60 
with the 227.  It came in October 1955.  Power steering!!!!!  Live 
PTO!!!!  All brand new!!!!  It just didn't come any better than that. 
Only trouble was, 1955 was a drought year.  Probably why my step-mother 
went back to teaching school.  My Dad ran the picker the first two 
years, then it came to me.  Boy, did I like getting away from that 
hauling in job.
	I well remember the winter of 61-62.  Fortunately, I was at Iowa State. 
  I thought I was the only one that thought it USED to snow here.
	This year I harvested a couple thousand acres with a JD9650 STS, 
drinking coffee in my shirt sleeves and listening to satellite radio. 
Pretty nice, especially since I got paid to do it.<g>  Many changes in 
the last 50 years.

Ron Cook
Salix, IA

Dean VP wrote:
> Ron:
> That is what those gathering chain shields on the inside were for. If they
> were on?  :-).  Picking ear corn in those days was a rather tense time. If
> the standing corn fields were not picked in time there would be hell to pay.
> Of course those were the days when NW Iowa still got many feet of snow each
> winter instead of the inches you now get. Never forget the winter of
> 1961/1962....... 26 days in a row where it never got above zero degrees and
> typical night time lows were -40 degrees. With snow banks so high we had
> flags tied to the automobile aerials to see cross traffic. For some odd
> reason the next winter we lived in Southern California. Don't quite know why
> that happened to this day. 
> Dean A. Van Peursem
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> Forbidden fruits create many jams!
> www.deerelegacy.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of
> Ronald L. Cook
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 4:20 PM
> To: Antique John Deere mailing list
> Subject: Re: [AJD] A2275R Front Wheel Spacers
> Dean,
> 	We used the mud scrapers alright, but I don't recall turning the
> wheels 
> out.  I'll bet you had trouble getting the tires into the gathering 
> chains.<g>
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
> Dean VP wrote:
>>As far as I know these were used to separate the front tires further. I
>>don't think they were required any more when reversible wheels became
>>available. I can think of one application for these based on my farm
>>experience in the 40's and 50's. During corn picking time, using mounted
>>corn pickers, we had trouble with the front tricycle wheels plugging up
> with
>>mud. The Roll-O-Matic made this problem even worse. Mud scrappers between
>>the front wheels were an alternate solution but as I recall they weren't
> the
>>total solution.
>>Normally one didn't do field work when the fields were this wet but when
> it
>>came time to pick corn, the wet weather didn't stop us. We had to get the
>>corn out before the weather got even worse and caused us to not get the
>>harvest in. Once it snowed and the snow stayed we were done. In fact we
>>prayed for a heavy frost and cold weather so we didn't have to deal with
>>this mud problem. I'm sure there were other applications such as a
> tricycle
>>tractor used as a loader tractor in wet and muddy cattle yards. Etc, Etc.
>>Dean A. Van Peursem
>>Snohomish, WA 98290
>>Forbidden fruits create many jams!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
>>[mailto:antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of
>>Chris C
>>Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:44 PM
>>Subject: [AJD] A2275R Front Wheel Spacers
>>  Bought a set of these on Ebay,  not really sure why,
>> but I am planning on setting my 1945 A up as a head
>>scratcher and these will help.  
>>  Has anyone used these or seen them used?  What
>>was/were the application(s)??  Anyone have a picture
>>of a tractor with them being used?
>>    Thanks,
>>      Chris

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