[AJD] Tap Extractor

Dee Schuyler web22hsz at verizon.net
Thu Dec 22 19:50:52 PST 2005

Either it is late or I am just not with it tonight, probably a good guess!
But if the nozzle is out , what is the tap broke off in? I usually run a tap 
up inside the nozzle
then use a long bolt with several washers and nuts to pull the nozzle out of 
the  carb body.
I have a very old set of carb tools one of them is a tapered left handed 
thread slide hammer puller. However I have found it almost worthless on old 
carbs and use a little heat and the little threaded puller I spoke of 
Good luck Take your time .
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris C" <jdnutinwa at yahoo.com>
To: "ATIS LIST" <antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 6:50 PM
Subject: [AJD] Tap Extractor

>    I was on a roll last night.  I bought a DLTX-19
> for my AR on Ebay,  the guy didn't describe it very
> well,  said it was a DLTX-10 but clearly wasn't,  so I
> bought it for what I thought was a grat price.
>     I was tapping the brass nozzle to pull it out
> when the phone rang..  Set the carb on the bech.. get
> phone.. carb falls to floor,  breaks tap on inside
> nozzle..
>     I used to own a tap extractor,  but alas it could
> not be found.  Three parts stores and one hardware
> store later,  everyone knew what i wanted,  nobody had
> it..  I did manage to get the nozzle out,  it is
> destroyed now however.  The rest of the carb is great,
> all the passage ways are clear..  Much better than
> the carb that came with the tractor.. It looked like a
> ball of mud,  inside and out.
>      Anyone have an extra nozzle tool that Deere used
> to sell for removing these nozzles?
>                   Chris
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