[Farmall] Goodbye / charity auction.

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 22 05:52:10 PST 2005

The charity auction is happening but it is getting off
to a slow start.  It does not necessarily conclude
right at Christmas or New Year's.  Feel free to jump

> PS Sorry to see that there wasn't much 'fanfare'
> about the charity  
> auction this year. I know that it was a volunteer
> effort, but  
> definitely there were some groups that benefited.

BTW I wrote off-list to the fellow who started the
"Goodbye" thread and encouraged him to stay.  Bottom
line is that he has reached he has reached his limit
on topics like "xams".  He told me that he would sign
back on early next year to see how things are going.  

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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