[Steam-engine] boilers and inspectors

travis brown tbkeck at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 12:35:01 PDT 2005

It is not any suprise that there are inspectors that have no clue when it comes to inspecting our types of boilers.  They are geared for commercial type boilers with automatic controls that are mainly 100% welded construction.  The real question is what are you going to do about it?  There are many ways that we can work to better achieve our goals of safe operation of the historic equipment that we love.  One is to try and educate the inspectors to better understand our needs and goals.  Another is to understand the system and how to best work it to get to where we need to be.  Many states have boards that review the rules and hear appeals.  Of course this is all subject to political interference.  How well do you know your legislators?  I can assure you my local legislators all know my name and the issues concerning boilers I am concerned about.  Write some letters, make some phone calls, visit some offices.  Call your friends who share your hobby get them to do the same.  !
 Or not. 
 I know lots of people that have accepted the boiler inspectors decision as final and never did anything to try and correct the situation, even though the boiler was sound...I guess you can tell my point of view.

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