[Steam-engine] pipe threads

Mark mark at ironacres.com
Fri Aug 5 17:40:31 PDT 2005

Just for reference, here are two low cost NPT tap sets for large pipe. I 
have them and they work great on the engines and are much cheaper than you 
tend to find the taps other places:




----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andre' Blanchard" <andre at usermail.com>
To: "Steam-engine mailing list" <steam-engine at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Steam-engine] pipe threads

> At 02:48 PM 8/5/2005, you wrote:
>>I'm a novice when it comes to pipe threads so i need a
>>little help.  The Huber has a "shock absorber"
>>aparatus connecting the bull gear to the rear wheel.
>>see it here http://groups.msn.com/Racerpics/huber.msnw
>>  The engine uses 10 shocks and I was missing a couple.
>>  I have had castings made of the caps on the ends of
>>the pipe nipple.  I need to bore them to size and put
>>2" pipe threads in them.  I think that I can handle
>>the boring but I'm unsure about the threads.
>>Threading these caps should be similar to threading a
>>standard pipe cap.  Will a standard pipe tap work?
>>I'm afraid that the tap will bottom out before it cuts
>>enough threads.  Is there such a thing as a bottoming
>>tap for pipe threads?
>>Andy Glines
>>Evansville, IN
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>>Steam-engine mailing list
> I have ground the end off pipe taps to do such things but I have never 
> needed to do it on a tap bigger then 1/2.  Cheapest 2" pipe tap I could 
> find was about $95.00 for an import and $121.00 for a USA brand.
> http://www1.mscdirect.com/CGI/NNPDFF?PMPAGE=299
> They do make what they call short projection taps for things like what you 
> are talking about, they are, of course more money.
> http://www1.mscdirect.com/CGI/NNPDFF?PMPAGE=301
> Are you sure the threads are tapered?  I guess if you have had some cast 
> you have looked them over fairly close.
> Any female tapered pipe threads we do at work larger then 3/4" we usually 
> end up single point milling in a CNC, but then they are usually in some 
> nasty block of stainless.
> __________
> Andre' B.  Clear Lake, Wi.
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