[Steam-engine] hobby boilers

George Erhart gerhart at columbus.rr.com
Sun Oct 3 18:11:28 PDT 2004

> My 24 Minnie ( 1920 ) is considered Non ASME because I can not find any
> clover leaf stamp. I have cleaned and looked all over and it is not to be
> found. I have original catalogs stating ASME construction but
> they will Not
> buy that. It is Butt Strap construction and has all the through stays ect
> required and is made of the proper material ( 55,000 tensil strength ).

In addition to the clover ASME stamp, your tensil strength is suppose to be
stamped into the boiler sheets. I have found the steel strength stampings on
my boiler barrel. I have heard that without the original manufacturing data
or the "official" stampings on the steel, some inspectors will not assume a
TS of 55000. If you are looking for the ASME stamp, many boilers have the
ASME stamps above the firebox door. (Mine are.) That being said, I have also
seen them on the "smokebox" end of a Huber, on the ring. See the page on the
Urbana inspections that is posted on my web site. I have a picture of the
Huber's boiler runes ... there is a high resolution version. The inspector
"found" the ASME clover, but I can't see it to save my life!

Good luck,
George Erhart

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