[AT] Concrete slab- Subdivision Development
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Mon Nov 29 04:54:44 PST 2004
Hi Cecil,
Actually the influx of folks from up your way HAS reduced our tax rates.
The county is building buildings, adding services and hiring folks like
crazy but the tax rates have held their own or come down for the last
several years. Of course the inflation in property values caused by the
same chain of events have made the actual tax BILL higher.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cecil E Monson" <cmonson at hvc.rr.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Concrete slab- Subdivision Development
>> Hi Ralph, in my neighborhood $43,000 will buy a decent 1/2 acre lot in a
>> subdivision or maybe 10 or 15 acres 25 miles away from town.
>> Charlie
> I tried to tell Lucille we should move to Saskatchewan and build
> our new home there but it is too far from her daughter and mother.
> A half acre lot here in our area goes for around $75K and up these
> days - if you can find one. Most of the available land is gone.
> You would think that building one $500K house after another and
> flooding the area with them would lower taxes because of all the
> additional
> money coming in but just the reverse is true. The more homes they build,
> the higher the taxes.
> Cecil
> --
> The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
> what you said.
> Cecil E Monson
> Lucille Hand-Monson
> Mountainville, New York Just a little east of the North Pole
> Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment
> Free advice
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