[AT] Gaskets for Zenith carburetors
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Tue Nov 16 18:16:40 PST 2004
Phil the way I usually do it is to place the gasket material on the part and
then lightly tap on the material with the peen end of a small ball peen
hammer, following all the contours and holes of the part that needs the
gasket. Then just a little triming and you have a nice gasket. That is the
way I was taught to do it when I was a boy.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Auten" <pga2 at hot1.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Gaskets for Zenith carburetors
> John,
> If you go to your favorite parts place you should be able to buy
> a sheet of the correct gasket material fairly inexpensively. You
> then need a utility knife, X-acto knife, single edged razor blade
> or real sharp pocket knife. Set the bowl down on the material
> and cut carefully around it. Then cut out the center as required.
> One sheet should make enough gaskets to last even you for
> some time.
> Phil
> At 09:20 PM 11/15/04, you wrote:
>>Does anyone know of a source for the fuel bowl gaskets
>>for Zenith carburetors? On a carbuetor cleanup, this
>>is often the only part needed and I'm tired of buying
>>the whole carburetor kit for $20-$30. I have been able
>>to buy single fuel bowl gaskets for Marvel-Schebler
>>carburetors from my John Deere dealer for around $3
>>each. I checked today with the local AGCO dealer if
>>the gasket listed for Allis-Chalmers B is available
>>and they were neither helpful nor encouraging.
>>John Boehm
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