[AJD] '49 AR
terry at watsonbrickson.com
Sat Nov 13 07:16:00 PST 2004
Glad to help. Open up the petcocks, make sure there's no source of ignition
for the air-fuel mixture that might shoot out, crank that baby over and
listen to her "putt".
Let us know how it goes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Epps [mailto:garyepps at fidnet.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:07 AM
To: Antique John Deere mailing list
Subject: Re: [AJD] '49 AR
Thanks Terry,
That's what I thought, just wanted to double check. I know it's always pos
to pos and neg to neg, but with one a neg grd and the other pos grd, it
threw me a bit. This tractor has a magneto and it does have compression
release petcocks. The battery cables are not new and have the bolt on
terminals for the battery end, but they appear to be in good condition. I
am not sure of anything about the starter except it has started the tractor
when I bought it. I don't know if a 6 volt or 12 volt battery was used.
The tractor came sans battery.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry L. Hrdlicka" <th01209 at alltel.net>
To: "Antique John Deere mailing list"
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [AJD] '49 AR
> Gary,
> "+ to +, - to -" just like you'd normally do. In other words, + on the
> truck or charger to the tractor frame (ground), - to the starter or -
> post on the battery. If that AR has a coil rather than a magneto, there
> may be the possibility of damaging it with the 12V.
> I assume there are no compression release petcocks on this tractor? Are
> you sure the starter is O.K.? Are the battery cables?
> Be careful. Whenever jump starting there is always the possibility of a
> battery explosion, and they ain't pretty. "Been there, done that" and
> don't ever want to do it again!
> Good luck,
> Terry
> Gary Epps wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I tried to start the AR yesterday with a new 6 volt battery with no
> > It turned over very slowly and when it came up on compression it just
> > couldn't turn it all the way through. I'm going back too many years to
> > remember accurately about six volt systems. I do remember jump starting
> > volt cars with 12 volts, but I think they were all neg. ground. Is
there a
> > problem with jump starting a 6 volt positive ground with a 12 volt neg.
> > ground system? I am thinking of just connecting the jumper cables to he
> > starter and ground, but do I connect the positive jumper cable from the
> > truck to the ground or the tractor starter?
> >
> > I can also use the battery charger, I guess it might be safer, instead
> > the truck. Either way does the different polarity create a problem for
> >
> > Thanks for the collective imput,
> >
> > Gary
> > In the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri in the south central part of
> > USA, where both life and I move slowly.
> >
> >
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