[AT] a hunter's moon

Cecil E Monson cmonson at hvc.rr.com
Fri Nov 26 03:39:48 PST 2004

	Being as it is so slow this morning, I thought I'd just
write something to be sure the List is up and working.

	I get this way some mornings when I go out to get the paper
and see a sky full of stars and a full moon just getting ready to
set in the west. We call it a hunter's moon - maybe because it is
rutting season now for deer and wildlife is active all night long
as a rule. No snow as yet and if there was, it would be so bright
outside all night long that you could go anywhere without a light.
Last night coming back from a large family gathering for Thanksgiving,
it was dark out with breaks in the clouds and the full moon was
breaking thru here and there as I drove. Deer were along the side
of the road here and there most of the way home. Dangerous driving
as a rule but these deer were mostly just standing and watching.
Maybe they knew the wind was going to die down and the sky was going
to clear. It's calm outside this morning and just 29 degrees. Should
be another nice day.

	I have all my fall work pretty much done, tractors put away
for the winter, gas and diesel cans full, generator ready to go if
we lose power during winter storms, and the snow plow ready to go
on the dump truck. Batteries are pulled or disconnected and fully
charged to last over the winter. I still have to put a heater in the
pumphouse but that will be done today.

	I hope all is well with all of you and wish you all a nice
day today.

The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
what you said.

Cecil E Monson
Lucille Hand-Monson
Mountainville, New York   Just a little east of the North Pole

Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment

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