[AT] Yanmar + John Deere Engines

Allan Griffiths manuals at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 09:13:14 PST 2004

Yanmar did and still does make engines and complete tractors for John
Deere. Everything from the 330 Lawn tractor, Front mowers,   compact
tractors thru 1070, the 1600 wide area mower, 375, 575, 675 skid steer
loaders, Mini excavators etc use Yanmar 3TN or 4TN diesel engines
(from 14 thru 59 horsepower) - John Deere recently changed designation
of these engines to "John Deere 220 series" Same thing though.
Here's a cross reference for you - 
JD Engine #3009 is a Yanmar 3TN
"        "      #3011            "      3TN
"         "     #3014             "     3TN
"         "     #4019D          "      4TN
"         "     #4019T          "      4TNT

Chances are, you have had a Yanmar engine for a long time - you just
didn't know it!  Super reliable, easy to fix, good low end torque.
Engine numbers translate like this - 3 - number of cyl, T - tractor
applications, N - Diesel,
Further, any Yanmar tagged engine with letters "JK" at end of serial
number, was specifically made for John Deere application. (Good for
buying used parts!)
AND! Any John Deere engine serial number beginning with code letters
"CH" was made by Yanmar. Allan.

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