[AT] Bob Brooks? Get flying ! (Oh, and a CAD question which was already a...

Robert Brooks rbrooks at hvc.rr.com
Thu Mar 18 18:57:03 PST 2004


I've flown enough to know I want to do it.  I did regularly get airtime 
with a couple of friends with licenses.

But being handed the controls when the plan is already up is a lot 
different than actually flying.

About 20 years ago the company I worked for offered to set up a flying club 
if we could get 20 people interested and willing to put up $200.00

Everyone was interested until it came time to put up the money, I think 
there were 6 of us that anted up.  Joan my wife, gave me the 200.00 as a 

So the company decided that they wouldn't do it.

I put a lot of seat time in the company plane a Cessna 210, that had more 
electronics in it that most commercial airliners.  We were a high tech 
electronics company and the president of the company wanted to learn to 
fly, so the company bought a plane, and hired a company pilot.

I was flying back and forth from Spring Valley, NY to Baltimore, MD a 
couple of times a week for about 4 months trying to work out the logistics 
of moving a company that we  bought back to Spring Valley.  Most of those 
flights were in the company plane and the pilot was pretty good about 
teaching me.

I should have gotten my license at that time, but I changed jobs before I 

Good idea about trading labor for lessons....


At 07:52 PM 3/18/04 -0500, ROBBRUT at aol.com wrote:
>When I learned to fly, my 28 yr old daughter and my 15 yr son also did at the
>same time.
>They worked at the airport FBO in exchange for hours,Carol at the desk, and
>Jamey in the hanger and on the line to augment the money they/we had to spend.
>I mowed a lot of grass there as well, and on a JD "B" too !
>So maybe you could see about a little barter arrangement, it's done all the
>But first, scrape up enough $ for one lesson, just to make sure it is what
>you want to do.
>By the way, my daughter Carol makes her living as an instructor in
>single/multi engine and glider (including aerobatics in power and 
>non-powered a/c), has
>her instrument, helicopter and seaplane rating, tows banners, and is an FAA
>designated powerplane and glider examiner working in the Dallas area.
>She's MUCH better than I am !
>She has refused more high-paying jobs than I care to remember because they
>would keep her from flying, so be warned .......it can be very addictive !
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