[AT] Ford Flail Mower

ken knierim wild1 at cpe-66-1-196-61.az.sprintbbd.net
Wed Jun 16 19:38:18 PDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 06:57, Michael P. Maynard wrote:
> Whats the value of a Ford Flail Mower Model 22-I85?  It's a 3pt hitch,
> appears to be 7.5 foot (although she claimed it was 8). Looks like it
> will need a new set of blades.  Any idea how much it would cost to
> 'reblade' it?  Mower looks in good shape other than the blades.  Its an
> Ex-State mower.
> Mike

Hi Mike,
    I got Flailmaster.com parts for my Mott flail mower. The blades I
got ended up being a little bigger than the original ones but turned out
to be a lot tougher too. They had about every part I needed (bearings,
belts, flails, etc). Mine I got for about $350 and I knew it needed work
(main bearing on the ground roller had croaked). A new set of flails, a
new bearing on the roller, a new belt and a piece of conveyor belting
cut for the rear damper and it works really nice on my 8N for mowing my
yard. I want to say that it was $250 for parts and I have a bunch of
extra flails (I think the kit was for a bigger mower or a fits-all one),
lots of cotter keys and pins and the bearing; not sure if I got the belt
at the same time or not.

That was 4 or 5 years back so things may have changed.

Ken in Az

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