WARNING(virus check bypassed): Re: [AT] Allis-Chalmers pricing info needed - AC RC

Gilbert Schwartz gschwartz1 at mchsi.com
Sun Jun 13 11:27:36 PDT 2004

Shawn; You got it exactly right, if you don't take care of them, any of them
will find a way to bite you. I don't really care what brand some one else
likes. It's usually just a matter of what they drove when they were young
anyway. Simple things can cause untold amounts of grief if you're not paying
attention, and it'll happen with any brand. I do know that right now we have
29 tractors. One MM, 4 Cockshutts, and the rest are Allis's. We've never had
a broken block in ANY of them and only had one broken transmission case.
That case was in a 37 flat nose WC we got knowing it had a cracked case.
(the people who inherited it let it sit outside without a boot on the
shifter to keep the water out.) We only got it because they wanted to see it
run again, cause "daddy got it new".
I've driven some good Internationals and some good JD's. Right now I've got
a new JD lawn mower that's definitely not the best piece I ever saw.
I just like AC's  because I don't have to look at a book all of them time to
work on one and they're not making them any more.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ShaMcCarty at aol.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:15 AM
Subject: WARNING(virus check bypassed): Re: [AT] Allis-Chalmers pricing info
needed - AC RC

> I have seen just as many other brands with busted blocks in fact have a
> farmall right now with that busted block you mentioned.Cold is not picky
no matter
> what the make if not cared for properly they will burst.
>  Shawn McCarty
>                                                                     1937
> Allis Chalmers
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