[AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?

Danny Tabor dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 9 13:35:56 PDT 2004

Just a safety tip. If you winch or pull anything with
a steel cable, always place a heavy jacket or blanket
on the cable, in the middle of it. If the cable should
break..the blanket will make the cable drop down and
not fly out of control! I am very uneasy using steel
cable. When loading tractors on my trailer I try to
use this technique. Just in case!
 	There is a possibility with the winch you saw
 Mike. If you get enough steel cable with it, and you
 have several
 sheaves, you could increase the pulling power with
 them. By using
 two or three pulleys you can increase the winch's
 power to the point
 you can break the steel cable that comes with it.

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