[AT] Yesterday was a good tractor Day

LeRoy Price III leroy_price3 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 21 07:13:01 PDT 2004

Since we are having such fine weather here on the east coast I took 
advantage and
went out to start the rest of my tractors for the first time since last 
November.  Both
JD 40s started up fine but now I look at the points first and a few others 
things before
trying to start one.  Learned that the hard way while exhausting several 
batteries.  I
did note that one 40 seems to respond better at the throttle.  By that I 
mean, the
rpms come down almost immediately after the throttle is moved.  The other is 
a bit
slower and has stuck on high a few times.  Any thoughts?

I also got the early styled B up and running but again I went through 2 
batteries before
any success.  I had problems getting a spark even though I saw a spark at 
the points.  I
kept cleaning things and finally it went off.  Not sure what to look for but 
maybe I should
buy a new cap for the mag, it still the original.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend,


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