[Steam-engine] Wisconsin Historical Steam Engine Association

Terry Welch ksw001 at pensys.com
Sat Jul 17 05:07:08 PDT 2004


I thought the school was full. I asked one of your members about it and he told me myself
and sons would have to be put on a waiting list. From what he told me was that it was
open to members of your group first and if there was any openings than the general public
would be invited. I will contact Jeff and ask him. I was at the meeting when Charlie
asked to have the school at Threshermans Park. Who is going to be teaching the schools.
Do you know? From what I have seen your group has been trying to a lot of good work for
the hobby here in Wisc. I do know it has brought the clubs in the state together to help
the hobby, instead of them all going in different directions to try and achieve the
common goals with the state.

Terry Welch

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