[AT] corn crop... newspaper article

Robinson robinson at svs.net
Tue Jul 6 08:14:41 PDT 2004

       I got my corn in quite late this year as a combined result of 
some emergency horse stall construction, a streak of "very" wet weather 
and a few other circumstances. As some of you saw at Cubfest it was only 
a few inches tall then. It is now  hip high and catching up rapidly. Its 
only apparent problems now are a few small spots where it drowned out 
completely from standing water for several days and some stunting along 
some small areas where water seeps from the hillsides in wet weather. We 
were needing this recent rain badly but the corn was not showing any 
visible effects yet. It rained about 1/4" Saturday and about that much 
more Sunday. We had another .3" last night and will likely get another 
shower tonight. I hope to get another few acres of hay down tomorrow 
since they are predicting a 4 or 5 day dry streak here.
    I started baling alone on the last batch making about 4 or 5 bales 
then stopping the tractor and climbing off and running back to the wagon 
to stack them then climbing back on the tractor to run a few more. I had 
not been doing it too long before a good neighbor came out and helped 
"just for fun and exercise". We had it about 3/4 done and Scott came 
home early from work and both of them worked the wagons. I keep looking 
for a good bale handling system like an accumulator or a baler with a 
bale kicker. Trouble is  most such things are way out of range price wise.


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