[AT] corn crop... newspaper article

Cecil E Monson cmonson at hvc.rr.com
Mon Jul 5 17:42:49 PDT 2004

> We've been very fortunate to have great corn crops in recent years. This
> year, our local newspaper noticed how great it looks and ran a picture of
> our front field as part of a feature on the good corn crop on their front
> page. Just for the record, the picture was taken last Thursday (7-01-04).
> Today (7/5), the ears and tassels are popping out. I'm 6' 1" and I can't
> reach the top in places.

	Nice looking corn, George. You have ours beat. Our sweet corn is at
just about 5 feet and already starting to tassel out. I keep trying to find
7 foot sweet corn so somebody besides the raccoons gets some but it never
seems to work out. grins.  As to weather, it has been just about perfect
here for corn this year. Rain at the right times and lots of sun.


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