[AJD] Early Unstyled Lighting and AO Lights
Chris C
jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 12 20:11:51 PST 2004
Dean, Duane, and JR.
Thanks for all the info on the AO lights. Sorry
to misquote you Dean, wasn't intentional.
Now that it has been mentioned KW was the name
the Guy with the funny generators used to describe
them. Are they really that hard to find? What type
of lights would go with them (i.e. 5" 7" ?")
I am guessing that the original shipping
information on my tractor is questionable at best, It
says that it was originally shipped to Rosenberg,
Washington. Well, it just doesn't exits. I even
researched placed that dissappeared behind Grand
Coulee Dam when the put the plug in it and flooded out
a few small towns.. Going back through previous
owners, It did come from Roseberg Oregon.. If only
it could talk.
Anyway, thanks again for the info. I think the
AO is finally going to get some attention this spring
when my wife leave to go play Navy. (yes she got
called to active duty)
--- Dean VP <deanvp at att.net> wrote:
> Chris:
> Whoa, just a moment. Let's make sure that I am
> quoted correctly. I said that
> the 1936 AO ORIGINALLY did not come out with the 7"
> flat lens lights
> (AB1199R) we were discussing. If one looks in Repair
> Catalog 47-R for the AO
> dated 1940 these lights are only listed as being for
> the AR. Now Repair
> Catalog 57-R for the 1936 AO dated 1943 also lists
> them as being only for
> the AR but along comes PC643 dated 1960 which lists
> 7" Flat lens lights for
> the 1936 AO serial number range but they are listed
> as AB3144R, AB3145R and
> AD2150R 7" Flat lens assemblies and shows them as
> being applicable to AO's
> serial numbers ( - 259999) which includes the
> 1936 AO w/o the
> restriction to the AR only. Confusing!
> Now to add to this mystery. The fan shaft on the
> early AR/AO's did not
> include a drive pulley for the generator and wasn't
> added until serial
> number (264644). This conflicts with the AR info
> above. However, there was a
> fan with friction clutch upgrade assembly that could
> be installed on the
> AO/AR's from 250000 on up (AA3673R) and I have
> allowed myself to believe
> that upgrade kit included the generator pulley. Or
> the pulley that was used
> on the KW lighting kits was used or ???. It is just
> too complex for this old
> mans head.
> To add further confusion, my 1936 AO has a belt
> pulley for the generator but
> no lights. The fan must have been updated on mine.
> I do know one wouldn't want to add these lights to a
> tractor that didn't
> come from the factory this way. There are a lot of
> parts changes besides
> adding the lights, battery and generator. And the
> real bottom line is an AO
> tractor was intended to be used in orchards and with
> lights sticking out
> they wouldn't be there very long.
> But thanks for bringing this up. Remember I said I
> didn't know why there
> were Chrome ringed 7" lights vs black ringed 7"
> lights. In the process of
> looking your info up I discovered why these two
> light different light
> assemblies exist. Thanks.
> Dean A. Van Peursem
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> I'm a walking storeroom of facts..... I've just lost
> the key to the
> storeroom door
> www.deerelegacy.com
> http://members.cox.net/classicweb/email.htm
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
[mailto:antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com]
> On Behalf Of
> Chris C
> Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:39 AM
> Subject: [AJD] Early Unstyled Lighting and AO Lights
> At our local two cylinder club holiday dinner
> yesterday, Dean and I had a conversation about 7"
> lights, and their use on my 1936 AO (sn 252268)
> Dean
> was of the opinion that my AO never had lighting as
> an
> option.
> I have PC 674, and it if fact, shows a
> generator,
> and light mounts for the serial number range of my
> AO, but when we get to lights, they are listed as
> AR
> Only until you get to serial number 259999. So, I
> gues Dean is correct.
> I ran into another guy at the show that is into
> Old D's, and in the back of his truck he had two
> generators.
> One was a prestolite, and I think the other was a
> bosch. He said that they are terribly hard to find,
> and that the earlier one (prestolite) would have
> been
> for optional lighting equipment on a Waterloo Boy or
> my 1927 D, and the later one would have been used
> on
> something like an Unstyled A, B etc...
> So to my questions, Lights for the AO? Yes or
> No? and does anyone have any further info on the
> early lighting equipment? He said that each of the
> generators he had were in the $1200 to $2500 price
> range as they were so hard to come by.. I don't
> know
> anything at all about them but it was very
> interesting.
> Chris
> (the other thing that caused me to chuckle at
> our
> banquet, I have had my AO listed for sale for 6
> months in the club newsletter... I was no longer
> listed in the one that came out a few weeks ago. At
> least 5 people came up to me wondering if I still
> had
> that AR for sale.. )
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