[AT] Hope this will give to food for thought

SanDoe.Equipment SanDoe.Equipment at dol.net
Sun Dec 26 10:05:57 PST 2004

                 OBITUARY  OF  AN  OLD  FRIEND

  We are morning the loss of a beloved old friend who
recently passed away. His name was Common Sense. Common
Sense lived a long life but died in the United States from a
vicious contagious disease.
  He selflessly devoted his life to service in
schools,hospitals,homes,and factories,helping folks get the
jobs done without fanfare and foolishness. For decades,petty
rules,frivolous lawsuites,and ludicrous verdicts held no
power over Common Sense.

   He was credited with culivating such valued lessons as to
know when to come in out of the rain,why the early brid gets
the worm,and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived
by a simple and sound financial policy: Don't spend more
than you earn. Common Sense also lived by other time-tested
strategies like:The adults are in charge and not the
kids,and,its okay to come in second or third.
  A vetteran of the great Depression and the Technological
Revolution,Common Sense survied cultural and educational
trends such as body piercing,"whole language" and "new
math".But his health declined when he became infected with
"Im not respondible for my own actions''and "its alright if
it feels good"viruses. He watched in pain as good
peoplebecame ruled by self-seeking lawyers. His health
rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly implemented
zero-tolerance policies. Reports of a six-year-old boy
charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate,and a
teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student only
worsened his condition.

  It declined further when schools had to get parental
consent to administer asprin to a student,but could noy
inform the parents and get their permission when their
children were given mind-altering drugs or birth control
pills;and when universities turned into cesspools of
debauchery and socialist propaganda.

  Common Sense lost hie will to live when criminals received
better treatment than their victims,the ten Commandments
became contraband,and priests molested young boys. When a
woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee is
hot,and was awarded a huge settlement;and when the president
sold security related technology to a hostile nation,Common
Sense fell into a coma.

  As the end neared,Common Sense drifted in and out of
consciousness,but was kept informed of new questionable
regulations,such as thought control and partial brith
abortion. Finally,when another presendt,claimed to
steadfastly portect the country from terrorist
atrocities,yet simultaneously allowing the same villains to
invade the country through borders and ports of entry that
are - as if by design - inexplicably easily violated;being
fully aware of what the grave consequences of such contempt
by the chief executive for the nation's security can
be,Common Sense died of sudden cardiac arrest. 

  Common Sense was presceded in death by his parents,Truth
and Trust;his wife,Love;his daughter.Responsibility;and his
sons,Diligence and Reason. He is survived by three
stepbrothers,Deception,Greed and Ignorance. Not many
attended his funeral because so few noticed he was gone.

      I found this in a mag. that I got the other week in
the mail. Thought I would share it with you. May-be you know
some one else you can send it to.

  Happy Christmas, and Merry New Year
Paul A. SanDoe
SanDoe.Equipment at dol.net

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