[AJD] 1st Tractor

D. Fleming d.fleming at sasktel.net
Wed Dec 8 18:54:19 PST 2004

Hi Mike,

Before you try to start the "B" make sure the transmission is in Neutral and
I would pull the clutch lever back as well.  I can't over emphasize this too
much.  The first time I started my "H"   I pulled it and then shut it off by
turning the gas off.  I came back out after supper and wanted to see where
the magneto tripped to determine if there was any possibility of it trying
to run backwards.  I was turning the flywheel as slow as I could when the
mag impulse tripped and the engine started. It didn't run long but if it had
been in gear it would
have been a bad scene.  I had no idea that it would start that easily.
Think I may have had to go looking for clean shorts. The flywheel turns
counter clockwise.  Good luck.

Don Fleming
Kipling, Sask. Canada
<d.fleming at sasktel.net>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert M. Massengale" <ltcmikem at ktc.com>
To: <antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [AJD] 1st Tractor

> Terry -
> Thanks for opening that door... guess it's time for me raise an eyebrow.
I have
> never sat on a tractor much less started one.  It's a '41 "B" handstart
that's been
> sitting for 18 months... was running when parked and the engine is loose.
> have an operator's manual yet.
> Chock the wheels, check oil level, coolant, and pour in some gas.  Check
to make
> sure it's in neutral and give the flywheel a spin (clockwise/counter
> Would appreciate any comments from the list that would keep me from
hurting the
> "B".. or myself.
> Mike Massengale
> Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
> > Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:10:39 -0600
> > From: Terry <terry at watsonbrickson.com>
> > Subject: RE: Subject: [AJD] 1st Tractor
> >
> > Mike,
> > Just take a can of gas and drive her home :)
> > Congratulations on the B.
> > Terry
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