[Farmall] cleaning solvents
Robert L. Holtzer
rholtzer at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 26 17:25:43 PDT 2004
Hi, Bob!
I bought a gallon of carb cleaner a year or two ago -- probably from Kragen
or NAPA. Haven't checked on it lately. It has a substantial amount of
methylene chloride, one of my persona favorite cleaners. Like most potent
solvents, it has to be treated with a lot of respect.
When I oven-cleaned the F12 I just hosed it off with water. It left a bit
of red stuff on the ground which dried and was easily scraped up. The lye
component not consumed in the process will react with superficial soil -- I
could see no adverse effect. Given that the weed growth has not subsided
in the immediate area I am doubtful there is any problem.
Lacquer thinner and methylethylketone are both quite volatile but easily
retained in a screw top can -- such as the gallon can they come in at Home
Depot. MEK is classified as a hazardous material as I recall -- don't
remember the category however and my DOT handbook is 120 miles away at present!
I liked cleaning solvent for general parts cleaning. Got it at my local
fuel dealer in Elk Grove. Unfortunately any residuals had to be (legally)
disposed of at a hazmat site. Kerosene does pretty good but not as well as
cleaning solvent. Both are largely hydrocarbon based.
Tetrachloroethylene in pressure cans is really great for smaller stuff and
also as a final spray on primer to remove any oily stuff prior to
painting. I used carb cleaner containing this chemical. It has been
increasingly difficult to find and the non-chlorinated material is not
nearly as good.
I wonder if any ATISers are using hot steam cleaning??
Bob Holtzer
At 11:04 AM 8/26/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>After reading all your suggestions I started checking around a little
>more. I find that around here you can't even get carb cleaner in gallon
>containers any more Nothing that is large enough to hold a dip screen or
>tray. I'm wondering about lacquer thinner or MEK. Doesn't it evaporate
>quickly, unless in a sealed tank? And lastly, if you spray on oven
>cleaner...lets say to a greasy casted part 1' by 1', how are you cleaning
>it off? Where does all the gunk go?
>greenwood, CA
>>I tried oven cleaner on the front wheel of the F12, John. It was amazing
>>to watch -- the stuff lifted most of the paint with the first
>>application! I gather oven cleaner is largely lye or sodium hydroxide so
>>it is best handled with chemically resistant gloves and goggles/glasses.
>>Bob Holtzer
>>At 02:07 PM 8/23/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>>>I've found that oven cleaner works pretty good, gotta let it soak a while
>>>and sometimes on really badly caked stuff it takes a second shot. John
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Bob Currie" <tractors at foothill.net>
>>>To: <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>>>Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 8:49 AM
>>>Subject: [Farmall] cleaning solvents
>>> > Seems like as far back as I can remember, we've always had a 5 or 10
>>> > tank of some kind to clean the greasy parts when we took things apart for
>>> > repair. Soaking them overnight and then using a hand brush to remove the
>>> > crud usually did the job. Within the last 5 years, I've noticed the
>>> > that I buy has less and less potency and won't clean much of the
>>> > grease. The 55 gallon drum where I buy my solvent now says "mineral
>>> > spirits" on it. The guy at the parts house just shrugs and says "that's
>>> > all we can get now days". I'm wondering if it like this all over the
>>> > country, or just out here in California where the EPA runs everything?
>>> > what solution seems to work the best?
>>> >
>>> > bobcurrie
>>> > greenwood, CA
>>> >
>>> >
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