[AT] new Oliver Club

Danny Tabor dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 30 14:12:44 PDT 2004

      As many of you know HPOCA(national oliver club)
is going through some troubled times and it doesn't
look like there will be any resolve.
        A few angry HPOCA members and I have been
discussing establishing a new national Oliver club.
It'll cover White and everything under. It seems we
are getting good response on our ides. However we
aren't certain where to go from here. I was wondering
if any Atis members have any thoughts/ ideas or maybe
some of you have been involved in establishing clubs
and can help steer us in the right direction.
      The difficult part is that we would like to
establish small local "chapters" and have them run the
national club. Each chapter would hold a seat in the
national club. The only thing the national club would
do is assist chapters in working together and help
bring people of the same interest together.   I
believe once a foundation is made many chapters will
establish and the national club will grow. 
        So this is the idea in a nut shell. We are
open for suggestions and comments. 
        I do realize establishing a club will be
difficult but not impossible. Correcting HPOCA's
problems, with the leaders we have now and the Teflon
tape they have protecting themselves, correcting
HPOCA's problems impossible!! Any thoughts and
suggestions given to the HPOCA leadership by members
is either ignored or ridiculed. IT IS TIME FOR A NEW

Thanks for any suggestions in advance and thank you
for allowing me to vent.

Danny Tabor
Oliver Renegade...this is what HPOCA leadership calls

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